Monday, April 20, 2009

All Alone!

So what do you suppose one should do with 2 weeks of alone time? That is what I am asking myself today...What in the world am I going to do with myself?
Time left bright and early this morning for Pennsylvania. He had to go for business. So that leaves me, his loving and lonely wife home alone with the pigs and not much more.
Oh well, I'm sure it won't be to hard to come up with a list of "To Do's" a mile long. I can already think of a few...organize my laundry room, organize Tim's side of the closet, work on teacher appreciation gifts, there's always home decorating that I could do. Ok so maybe I do have things to do, but for 2 whole weeks? Maybe not.
I just have to keep telling myself that it's only 2 weeks and that there are wives out there with families that have to go much longer without seeing their husbands, but I have no idea how in the world they do it. Bless their hearts!
Well that about sums up my life here for the next little bit...lonely and boring. Good luck Tim and remember that I love you lots!!


Losee Family said...

i so know how you feel. I didn't think Andy was ever going to come home. There were times i was so bored and the time went by so slow but if you keep busy the days fly by. It actually went faster then i thought. I'm glad those seven weeks are over. You can come hang out in cedar if you want.

The INCREDIBLE Pettit's said...

You can call me, I would love to go out!

Renee said...

Where is the kitty?! I want to see the kitty!!