Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Family Pictures Fall 2009
Hey look...I didn't forget that the blogging world is still alive. Look at the cute family photos. Tim's mom has been saying for a while now that she really wanted to do family photos but then the 2 babies were born and life happens but we finally got around to doing them. Tim and I were both a little hesitant about the location but are both impressed with the outcome. It was quick, easy and painless. I really do like taking pictures and getting pictures taken however I can't say the same for Tim. But he was a real trooper and handled the situation like a big boy.
Monday, April 20, 2009
All Alone!
So what do you suppose one should do with 2 weeks of alone time? That is what I am asking myself today...What in the world am I going to do with myself?
Time left bright and early this morning for Pennsylvania. He had to go for business. So that leaves me, his loving and lonely wife home alone with the pigs and not much more.
Oh well, I'm sure it won't be to hard to come up with a list of "To Do's" a mile long. I can already think of a few...organize my laundry room, organize Tim's side of the closet, work on teacher appreciation gifts, there's always home decorating that I could do. Ok so maybe I do have things to do, but for 2 whole weeks? Maybe not.
I just have to keep telling myself that it's only 2 weeks and that there are wives out there with families that have to go much longer without seeing their husbands, but I have no idea how in the world they do it. Bless their hearts!
Well that about sums up my life here for the next little bit...lonely and boring. Good luck Tim and remember that I love you lots!!
Time left bright and early this morning for Pennsylvania. He had to go for business. So that leaves me, his loving and lonely wife home alone with the pigs and not much more.
Oh well, I'm sure it won't be to hard to come up with a list of "To Do's" a mile long. I can already think of a few...organize my laundry room, organize Tim's side of the closet, work on teacher appreciation gifts, there's always home decorating that I could do. Ok so maybe I do have things to do, but for 2 whole weeks? Maybe not.
I just have to keep telling myself that it's only 2 weeks and that there are wives out there with families that have to go much longer without seeing their husbands, but I have no idea how in the world they do it. Bless their hearts!
Well that about sums up my life here for the next little bit...lonely and boring. Good luck Tim and remember that I love you lots!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
So the legistalure session is finished for the year. YAHOO!! With this session there was a lot of talk about state budget cuts. This was something that Tim and I found to be of great interest seeing as how this would effect our financial well being with Tim being employed by the state and all...
Anyway we went to St. George for the weekend and when Time got into work on Monday he had an email from his boss saying that he is safe and will have a job at least through June 2010!! Great news! We are thankful everyday that we both have great jobs and are so blessed. This was most definately an answer to many prayers.
With this good news it also means that Tim is able to start graduate school in the fall. He is taking the GMAT in May and contingent upon that score he will be going to Utah State's extention in Orem for his MBA. Pretty great huh!
As I said before we spent Thursday, Friday,and some of Saturday in St. George. Carson (my little brother) had a baseball tournament and since Tim is the ASSISTANT COACH we thought it would be best to go down. Can I just tell you that it was absolutely fantastic!!! It was so nice to see green and trees with blossoms and feel the sun radiating! It couldn't have been nicer weather. We stayed at my aunt's place so that was free 99 which also can't be beat.
The tournament itself wasn't to good but that doesn't change the fact that I was loving it! I also got my first sunburn of the season which is now peeling but it was well worth it.
Still no pictures because I still just can't get them to work. Hope everyone is doing great!
Anyway we went to St. George for the weekend and when Time got into work on Monday he had an email from his boss saying that he is safe and will have a job at least through June 2010!! Great news! We are thankful everyday that we both have great jobs and are so blessed. This was most definately an answer to many prayers.
With this good news it also means that Tim is able to start graduate school in the fall. He is taking the GMAT in May and contingent upon that score he will be going to Utah State's extention in Orem for his MBA. Pretty great huh!
As I said before we spent Thursday, Friday,and some of Saturday in St. George. Carson (my little brother) had a baseball tournament and since Tim is the ASSISTANT COACH we thought it would be best to go down. Can I just tell you that it was absolutely fantastic!!! It was so nice to see green and trees with blossoms and feel the sun radiating! It couldn't have been nicer weather. We stayed at my aunt's place so that was free 99 which also can't be beat.
The tournament itself wasn't to good but that doesn't change the fact that I was loving it! I also got my first sunburn of the season which is now peeling but it was well worth it.
Still no pictures because I still just can't get them to work. Hope everyone is doing great!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Where have we been?
Well here it is another long period of time and no update on the amazing life of the Peterson's. How selfish of me to keep so to ourselves. NOT!! As usual our life is still the same. Nothing really new to report. I also haven't posted because I really don't like to post without using pictures and for some reason I can't get the computer and the camera to work together to accomplish the same goal. Who am I kidding, we all know it's the person trying to opperate the computer and camera. So I still can't get the pictures to work but I thought I will just post anyway.
So since the last post I turned the big 2-4! The big day itself was fine. I didn't go to work just because it was my birthday and no one really wants to work on their birthday. I slept in and didn't even shower and get ready until maybe 3:00. What a slob! I took lunch to my mom and Scott. I got a few birthday wishes from friends and family (except for Carson and my dad, real nice guys!). I made a pretty good meal. Then that evening Tim had invited over our families for gifts and dessert. I got a Cricut Expression!! For all of you crafty scrapbookers out there you know these are way cool!! I guess my watching the infamertial over and over sent the hint to Tim. I have used it a little bit but am looking for more ideas of some other things I can do. Great idea sweetie!! Then when I got back to work on Thursday my work had bought me a beautiful buch of flowers. Thanks guys!
Next on the list of events...Valentines day. That holiday at our house isn't to much to talk about. We agreed to not do gifts so I din't do a gift. Tim is still giving me guilt trips, trying to anyway. He got me some flowers and a new scentsy warmer ( we both love our scentsys so much!!) then we went to dinner.
Renee (our sister-in-law) had her baby early. Her name is Eve. She was in the hospital for about a month. She is doing much better now and is finally at home. They love her very much and consider themselves very blessed. Tim and I have not been able to go up and see her yet but hope to soon. We have seen lots of pictures and she looks so sweet. Congratulations to Richie and Renee.
Then Tim's sister Holly had their baby also. They had a baby boy. He is doing great! They named him Aiden Jack (it was going to be Adam but then Eve was born before him and maybe not such a good idea to have an Adam and an Eve). Tim and I got to go see Aiden and Holly in the hospital. He is a doll. He was so precious and very perfect.
It is always fun to see these new little ones. It seems that every time we turn around there is someone else pregnant (but I'm not one of them). What a joyous event!
Now it's March and that's even half way through. Crazy as it is. We had a death in the family the beginning of this month. Buddy Pig our little (when I say little I mean really fat) guinea pig died. We noticed one day that there was lettuce left in the cage and if you know Buddy you know something is not right if there is any reamnent of food left anywhere near him. He also had a very runny nose and crusty watery eyes. He looked very sad. So we just kept an eye on him for a few days. He progressively got worse. He got to the point where he couldn't breath hardly at all, his whole right side didn't work, we don't really know why. It could be any manner of things, the fact that he hadn't had anything to eat or drink in well over a week that maybe he was just so weak that he just couldn't move. He also would only lay in one spot in one position that maybe the right side of his body was just wasted away. Who really knows but whatever it was it wasn't pretty. He lost a lot of weight. It was so sad to see him that way without any life at all and couldn't even move his head to see you coming or couldn't make any noise when he heard the vegetable bag ruffle. Anyway we kinda said our good-byes on Sunday thinking that we would wake up in the morning to a much happier pig. That wasn't the case. We left for work Monday. I didn't think I would see him again when I left. Tim got home at 5:00 and he was still with us. He sat with him for a minute and went to shave. He went back after shaving and he had gone. Coincidence that he waited for Tim? We would like to belive that it wasn't but maybe a tender mercy from the Lord (cheesy at it may sound). What a great pig! We loved him lots and miss him.
Well not more then a couple of days and we brought Moose into our lives! Not as a repacement pig but just as an addition to our family. Moose is tiny compared to Buddy and now even Boozer looks huge. Moose is somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks old. He is completely opposite of Buddy. He has a lot of life, he runs around, he talks all the time, he has also made Boozer a lot more fun. We love Moose a lot already. I suprised Tim with little Moose. He was very happy. Now we feel a little more back to normal. Even though it was very sad to see Buddy struggle and pass on we are having a lot of fun with Moose and are excited to have lots of years with the 2 pigs.
So that's about all that is going on with us and our lives. Kinda a lot and most of it nothing that any of you care about especially without pictures, but at least I got a post done!
So since the last post I turned the big 2-4! The big day itself was fine. I didn't go to work just because it was my birthday and no one really wants to work on their birthday. I slept in and didn't even shower and get ready until maybe 3:00. What a slob! I took lunch to my mom and Scott. I got a few birthday wishes from friends and family (except for Carson and my dad, real nice guys!). I made a pretty good meal. Then that evening Tim had invited over our families for gifts and dessert. I got a Cricut Expression!! For all of you crafty scrapbookers out there you know these are way cool!! I guess my watching the infamertial over and over sent the hint to Tim. I have used it a little bit but am looking for more ideas of some other things I can do. Great idea sweetie!! Then when I got back to work on Thursday my work had bought me a beautiful buch of flowers. Thanks guys!
Next on the list of events...Valentines day. That holiday at our house isn't to much to talk about. We agreed to not do gifts so I din't do a gift. Tim is still giving me guilt trips, trying to anyway. He got me some flowers and a new scentsy warmer ( we both love our scentsys so much!!) then we went to dinner.
Renee (our sister-in-law) had her baby early. Her name is Eve. She was in the hospital for about a month. She is doing much better now and is finally at home. They love her very much and consider themselves very blessed. Tim and I have not been able to go up and see her yet but hope to soon. We have seen lots of pictures and she looks so sweet. Congratulations to Richie and Renee.
Then Tim's sister Holly had their baby also. They had a baby boy. He is doing great! They named him Aiden Jack (it was going to be Adam but then Eve was born before him and maybe not such a good idea to have an Adam and an Eve). Tim and I got to go see Aiden and Holly in the hospital. He is a doll. He was so precious and very perfect.
It is always fun to see these new little ones. It seems that every time we turn around there is someone else pregnant (but I'm not one of them). What a joyous event!
Now it's March and that's even half way through. Crazy as it is. We had a death in the family the beginning of this month. Buddy Pig our little (when I say little I mean really fat) guinea pig died. We noticed one day that there was lettuce left in the cage and if you know Buddy you know something is not right if there is any reamnent of food left anywhere near him. He also had a very runny nose and crusty watery eyes. He looked very sad. So we just kept an eye on him for a few days. He progressively got worse. He got to the point where he couldn't breath hardly at all, his whole right side didn't work, we don't really know why. It could be any manner of things, the fact that he hadn't had anything to eat or drink in well over a week that maybe he was just so weak that he just couldn't move. He also would only lay in one spot in one position that maybe the right side of his body was just wasted away. Who really knows but whatever it was it wasn't pretty. He lost a lot of weight. It was so sad to see him that way without any life at all and couldn't even move his head to see you coming or couldn't make any noise when he heard the vegetable bag ruffle. Anyway we kinda said our good-byes on Sunday thinking that we would wake up in the morning to a much happier pig. That wasn't the case. We left for work Monday. I didn't think I would see him again when I left. Tim got home at 5:00 and he was still with us. He sat with him for a minute and went to shave. He went back after shaving and he had gone. Coincidence that he waited for Tim? We would like to belive that it wasn't but maybe a tender mercy from the Lord (cheesy at it may sound). What a great pig! We loved him lots and miss him.
Well not more then a couple of days and we brought Moose into our lives! Not as a repacement pig but just as an addition to our family. Moose is tiny compared to Buddy and now even Boozer looks huge. Moose is somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks old. He is completely opposite of Buddy. He has a lot of life, he runs around, he talks all the time, he has also made Boozer a lot more fun. We love Moose a lot already. I suprised Tim with little Moose. He was very happy. Now we feel a little more back to normal. Even though it was very sad to see Buddy struggle and pass on we are having a lot of fun with Moose and are excited to have lots of years with the 2 pigs.
So that's about all that is going on with us and our lives. Kinda a lot and most of it nothing that any of you care about especially without pictures, but at least I got a post done!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Holiday Update
Ya, ya, ya I'm a little behind on the times. Now that I kind of know how to do the picture thing it just doesn't seem fun to have a post without pictures and I don't really have any to up date on so that's the explination of the lacking on the blogging.
So Christmas at our new little home was FANTASTIC! Tim and I really like Christmas. I had a co worker ask me if Christmas was fun with just 2 people. I quickly told him that it is a blast!! We stayed up late putting the finishing touches on our stockings and gift wrapping. Then we set out the stockings (very important side note...they must be covered with a blanket before the other person is allowed to set their stocking out so they aren't able to see what is in or with the stocking). We finally make it into bed. This year we fell asleep quickly. I woke up at 4:00 and was ready to go but I was nice enough to wait to wake Tim up until 7:00ish. We go out into the front room and unvail the stockings first. We go through those and see what Santa left us. Next we move over to the tree and open up all those gifts. Tim and I number our gifts. Crazy huh! We do this because there has to be an order to the way you open your gifts and when they are all wrapped up you can't tell what they are so you have to number them. We open our gifts one at a time to that way it lengthens the gift opening time and it's fun to see each other's response. Tim I got lots of great things. One of my passions in life would have to be children's books and this year I made out like a bandit! Tim got me lots of Dr. Seuss books. It is also tradition that he gets my some Curious George books so I also got a few of those. I also got some house decorations and clothes, some movies and CD's, some new stainless steel pots and pans, some plates, lots of treats, and soem other goodies. Tim got a couple pairs of Nikes, a Jazz sweatshirt, a Utes shirt (can you tell what Tim's passions are?), some CD's, the new Simpson's season as well as the first Simpson's season, lots of treats and goodies, and he got a large Prayer at Valley Forge picture. We had a great Christmas. Our families also gave us some more great things.
The day after Christmas we didn't have to work so we stayed home. We did go to a few stores and bought some Christmas/winter home decorations. We got some amazing deals! It was back to work on Monday. We both kind of had a short week though. We both left work ealy on New Year's eve. We went to the Utes vs. Gonzaga basketball game. It was a good game. It was the first game of the season that we went to. We got the tickets for Christmas. It was fun to get out and do something different. After the game we went home and watched some of the countdowns. As lame and old as we are we both fell asleep right before the ball dropped. Oh well! Tim is off on Friday's and I took the day off so we had another day home together. It was great! That did however make it hard to go back to a full week of work last week but we did make it.
Well that was a recap of our holidays. Lots of food, great times, family, and together time. These are a few of my favorite things!! Happy New Year!!
So Christmas at our new little home was FANTASTIC! Tim and I really like Christmas. I had a co worker ask me if Christmas was fun with just 2 people. I quickly told him that it is a blast!! We stayed up late putting the finishing touches on our stockings and gift wrapping. Then we set out the stockings (very important side note...they must be covered with a blanket before the other person is allowed to set their stocking out so they aren't able to see what is in or with the stocking). We finally make it into bed. This year we fell asleep quickly. I woke up at 4:00 and was ready to go but I was nice enough to wait to wake Tim up until 7:00ish. We go out into the front room and unvail the stockings first. We go through those and see what Santa left us. Next we move over to the tree and open up all those gifts. Tim and I number our gifts. Crazy huh! We do this because there has to be an order to the way you open your gifts and when they are all wrapped up you can't tell what they are so you have to number them. We open our gifts one at a time to that way it lengthens the gift opening time and it's fun to see each other's response. Tim I got lots of great things. One of my passions in life would have to be children's books and this year I made out like a bandit! Tim got me lots of Dr. Seuss books. It is also tradition that he gets my some Curious George books so I also got a few of those. I also got some house decorations and clothes, some movies and CD's, some new stainless steel pots and pans, some plates, lots of treats, and soem other goodies. Tim got a couple pairs of Nikes, a Jazz sweatshirt, a Utes shirt (can you tell what Tim's passions are?), some CD's, the new Simpson's season as well as the first Simpson's season, lots of treats and goodies, and he got a large Prayer at Valley Forge picture. We had a great Christmas. Our families also gave us some more great things.
The day after Christmas we didn't have to work so we stayed home. We did go to a few stores and bought some Christmas/winter home decorations. We got some amazing deals! It was back to work on Monday. We both kind of had a short week though. We both left work ealy on New Year's eve. We went to the Utes vs. Gonzaga basketball game. It was a good game. It was the first game of the season that we went to. We got the tickets for Christmas. It was fun to get out and do something different. After the game we went home and watched some of the countdowns. As lame and old as we are we both fell asleep right before the ball dropped. Oh well! Tim is off on Friday's and I took the day off so we had another day home together. It was great! That did however make it hard to go back to a full week of work last week but we did make it.
Well that was a recap of our holidays. Lots of food, great times, family, and together time. These are a few of my favorite things!! Happy New Year!!
Monday, December 22, 2008

I was so proud of my crafty idea. The cute towel rack with the Utes logo is my favorite part of Tim's bathroom.

My bathroom (yes we do have our own bathrooms and I love it that way and don't know if I will ever go back to sharing.) I made the floral wall hangings. Another craft I am pretty proud of!

I love having a bedroom big enough for a chair and still have room to walk.
Our bedroom with our sweet closet

Sorry this picture is a little dark, it's just part of the living room

I love all the spaces I have on top of the cupboards and the top of the walls to decorate! It was so much fun to get everything all put together.

Our couch is so nice and comfortable. The ottomans add the finishing touch!
This room is our modge podge room. It just has our old couch and some pictures that needed to be hung but I didn't want them in the front room. Out this window you can see both the Jordan River Temple and the Daybreak Temple. It is really cool. They are however building another building out that window so we soon will loose that view.
After much trial, frustration, and yelling at the computer I finally got the pictures from my camera to the computer! Here is just some more random pics. I meant to do the "before" and then the "after" of our new place but couldn't so here is our new place now after we painted and decorated! We absolutly love our place!! We would love to have you over sometime!!
After much trial, frustration, and yelling at the computer I finally got the pictures from my camera to the computer! Here is just some more random pics. I meant to do the "before" and then the "after" of our new place but couldn't so here is our new place now after we painted and decorated! We absolutly love our place!! We would love to have you over sometime!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
What in the world are we supposed to do with all of this snow? I hate the snow so bad. Lucky Tim had to do nothing but sit at home today while his loving wife had to leave and go face the storm and go into work. Little did I know that it was only going to get worse! This is awful!!! Well I wish you all the best of luck today in all of your goings and comings.
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